Product Fact Sheet

Technology Errors & Omissions
Technology companies need insurance to protect against any errors or mistakes in their products or services that could financially harm clients, users, or other third parties. For example, if a service error or unmet standard caused a client’s network to fail, a Commercial General Liability policy likely wouldn’t cover those claims. For proper protection, they would need Technology Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance. With over 20 years of Professional Liability experience, our underwriting team is ready to help you. It’s important to note that Technology E&O is different from Cyber Liability, which covers technology users — not manufacturers or retailers — against privacy breaches and cyberattacks.
Our target classes of business:
Domain Registration
IT Consultants
IT Trainers
Sales and Installation of Software
Sales, Installation and Maintenance of Hardware
Software/Application Development (does not include financial, engineering or POS)
Telecom Resellers Web-based Marketing
Website Design, including Search Engine Optimization
Please contact us if your risk does not fit into one of these categories – we may still be able to help.
Available coverages:
Attendance Expense
Commercial General Liability, including Bodily Injury, Personal and Advertising Injury, Property Damage, Tenant's Legal Liability, Non-Owned Automobile, Employee Benefits Errors & Omissions
Cyber Liability (Third Party Claims)
Joint Venture and Partnership Liability
Loss of Documents
Payment of Outstanding Professional Fees
Technology Errors & Omissions
Coverage highlights:
$2,000,000 available limits
Copyright and Trade coverage
Includes Breach of Contract and Breach of Confidentiality
Underwritten by Certain Lloyd’s Underwriters
What sets SIGNAL Underwriting apart:
Customer focused on broker partners and insureds
Over 20 years of professional lines broking and underwriting experience
Our Underwriters are here to help you with any
of your Technology industry-related questions
Secured Lloyd’s of London Coverholder status within first year of operation
SIGNAL Underwriting Inc. only represents London based security with a minimum rating of A- (AM Best rating) for this product
Claims handled by carriers experienced with Technology Errors & Omissions