Product Fact Sheet

Veterinarians Medical Malpractice
Our team of underwriting experts understand the unique needs and risks of a veterinary practices in Canada, with our product being geared specifically to vets and their clinics. With over 20 years of Professional Liability experience, our underwriting team is ready to help you.
Our target classes of business:
Veterinarians and Veterinarian Clinics that provide services to:
Hobby Farms
Horses and Dogs used in Races and Contests ($100,000 sub-limit)
Household Animals and Pets
Service Animals
Please contact us if your risk does not fit into one of these categories – we may still be able to help.
Available coverages:
Commercial General Liability, including Bodily Injury, Personal and Advertising Injury, Property Damage, Tenant’s Legal Liability, Non-Owned Automobile, Employee Benefits Errors & Omissions
Crisis Management Response Expense
Employment Practices Liability
Equipment Breakdown Insurance
Loss of Documents
Veterinarians Medical Malpractice
Proceedings Legal Defence Reimbursement
Property and Crime
Coverage highlights:
$10,000,000 available limits
Broad definition of Insured
Blanket Contractual Liability
Defense Costs in Addition (except Non-Profit Directors & Officers and Employment Practices Liability)
Double Veterinarians Medical Malpractice Aggregate Limit, no CGL Aggregate Limit (except Completed Operations Hazard and Employee Benefits E&O)
Market-leading SIGNAL Underwriting manuscript wording tailored for Veterinarians
Punitive Damages (sub-limited)
Silent Abuse coverage
Led by Certain Lloyd’s Underwriters
Worldwide cover, with claims brought in North America
What sets SIGNAL Underwriting apart:
Broad Appetite
Customer focused on broker partners and insureds
Over 20 years of professional lines broking and underwriting experience
Our Underwriters are here to help you with any of your Veterinarian industry-related questions
Secured Lloyd’s of London Coverholder status within first year of operation
SIGNAL Underwriting Inc. only represents London based security with a minimum rating of A- (AM Best rating) for this product
Claims handled by carriers experienced with Professional Liability